Our Fees

Our Fees

We understand that trying to understand how legal costs are calculated can be quite complex. At ASR Advantage Solicitors we have a number of flexible payment options to suit you.

We will ensure that we fully explain:

  • How we calculate our fees
  • The likely costs involved to prepare and run your case
  • Any additional costs that may be incurred
  • Any costs that may be recoverable from, or payable by you to the other party.

VAT is payable at the rate of 20% and is added to our profit costs.

Depending on your issue we may offer the following funding options:

Conditional Fee Agreement (Commonly known as ‘No Win No Fee’)

With this option there is no financial risk to you. If you lose your case you will not have to pay for Solicitors fees and this is the risk we take on your behalf. If we win your case we take a percentage of the damages (up to 25%).

Fixed Fee

On some matters we have fixed fee options available. During the legal consultation Session our lawyers will assess your situation and provide you with a fixed fee to assist with your case. This gives you a level of cost certainty to get you to a particular resolution. For some areas we are able to do this in stages of your case which gives you even more flexibility.

Agreed Hourly Rate

This is the traditional fee structure which means that a lawyer will assess your case and provide a fully flexible option on an hour by hour basis. You will be given information about the likely overall cost of your matter and you will be updated as to these costs.

Legal Expense Insurance

We will investigate the possibility of funding your case through a legal expense insurance policy. This is a service which comes with some insurance policies and other financial products. It can be used to cover part or all of our fees. Your lawyer can take you through this option if it is available.

Membership Organisations

Some union and membership organisations offer legal cover within the membership benefits. If you are a member of such an organisation you should inform your lawyer who will be able to give you assistance and advise on the options available.

SRA Transparency Rules

The SRA Transparency Rules came into force on 6 December 2018 and require all law firms to publish price and service information if we publish, as part of our usual business, the availability of certain common services:

  • Residential conveyancing
  • Probate
  • Motoring offences
  • Immigration
  • Employment tribunals
  • Licensing applications

ASR Price and service information downloads:

For more information on our fees please call us on +44 (0) 121 514 7111 or contact us by email info@advantagelaw.co.uk and we'll be happy to help you.

© 2025 ASR Advantage Solicitors. All rights reserved.

ASR Advantage Law Limited t/a ‘ASR Advantage Solicitors’, ‘ASR Solicitors’, ‘Advantage Law’, ‘Brown & Corbishley Solicitors’ and ‘David Bendell & Co’ is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Company No. 7333121. Advantage Law is Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority for its Legal Services. SRA No. 565383. VAT reg. 203559621. Registered office: 70 Villa Road, Birmingham, B19 1BL. A list of Directors is available on request.
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