Contracts & Disputes

Contracts & Disputes

Contract law can be one of the most complex and advanced legal practises – involving large sums of money and complex legislation. It is vital that you seek proficient legal representation and advanced contract law services when working in this area.

When you sign a contract, you expect the terms of the contract to be honoured. Some contracts are complicated and involve large sums of money. Whether it's a contract to rent a property, a contract at work or a business contract, it's important to read through the contract properly and understand its terms and conditions.

If you feel your contract has been breached, it can leave you angry, frustrated and unsure where to turn. If you need advice and help with your contract dispute, we can help you.

At first, your dispute might seem never-ending and complicated, but what appears complex on the surface can often be broken down by our experienced solicitors into simpler, more manageable disputes that can be very quickly and easily resolved.

For example, you may have drawn up a contract to protect yourself (for example, if you're self-employed or freelance), and a contract that once held the promise of security now feels worthless, as the company you were working for won't pay up. You may feel that it's not worth the stress of pursuing it in court, but you still want your money. We are able to help you with breach of contract dispute resolution. Rather than going to court, we can use dispute mediation to create a dialogue between you and the other person. We will examine the contract and help you come to an agreement together.

We can help you with the following types of contract dispute, although usually the sum in dispute needs to be over £5,000 for it to be worthwhile consulting us:

  • joint ventures & shareholder agreements
  • licensing agreements
  • franchise agreements
  • partnership agreements
  • employment agreements
  • supply agreements

The key to advising you on how to resolve breach of contract disputes is understanding the contract, its subject matter, its terms and their effect. No two disputes are the same, so only after a free initial chat can proper advice be given about your rights, the value of any loss and how best to protect your position. Unlike many solicitors, we will look at any documents you may have relating to the dispute free of charge and, if we think we can resolve your dispute, we are clear on our charges from the start. You won't face any hidden extra costs, making it easier to plan how you'd like to go ahead.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our Contract Law services please contact us on +44 (0) 121 514 7111 or email

The team of highly skilled and experienced commercial lawyers at Advantage Law guided us through the process quickly, efficiently and meticulously. They ensured we had all the necessary facts at our fingertips and we were given full and fair representation. Highly recommended.

Charlie Paphitis - Managing Director at Tasty Bake Limited

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ASR Advantage Law Limited t/a ‘ASR Advantage Solicitors’, ‘ASR Solicitors’, ‘Advantage Law’, ‘Brown & Corbishley Solicitors’ and ‘David Bendell & Co’ is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Company No. 7333121. Advantage Law is Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority for its Legal Services. SRA No. 565383. VAT reg. 203559621. Registered office: 70 Villa Road, Birmingham, B19 1BL. A list of Directors is available on request.
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