Immigration & Visas

Immigration & Visas

Immigration advisory service helping you enter and staying in the UK

Our experts deal with all aspects of immigration law assisting individuals and companies alike.

Whatever your circumstances; whether visiting the UK, obtaining a visa to study, settling in the UK, facing deportation or seeking refuge in the UK our dedicated experts are here to help.

Immigration law in the UK might sometimes behave like an impenetrable immovable wall of bureaucracy, but our experienced immigration solicitors can efficiently cut through any red tape and really give you the best chance of achieving a positive outcome.

Obviously all immigration matters are so emotional in nature because they affect people on a very deep personal level. That’s why it can feel so frustrating when you’re dealing with seemingly rigid and unfeeling legal processes that occasionally seem to go out of their way to be obstructive.

You may feel that you have legal ‘right of abode’ in the UK that allows you to live, work or freely enter the UK, or you may feel that you should be allowed these things with special permission, but occasionally it’s not clear that you (or the person concerned) fit into either of these categories.

This confusion is usually at the heart of most immigration issues.

Very often, learning more about the issues and processes that are part of ‘immigration’ can help you to understand what is happening, why it is happening, and what possible outcomes there may be. We know that many people each week come to our website to research immigration issues such as ‘citizenship’, ‘immigration appeals’, ‘visas’, ‘seeking asylum’, ‘studying in the UK’, and ‘working in the UK’ so you’re certainly not alone.

We have expertise in offering advice, assistance in applications and appeals in the following areas of immigration and national law:

  • Marriage / Family cases
  • Applications outside of the Immigration Rules
  • Visitors
  • Dependent relatives
  • EEA nationals – residence permits and dependent family members
  • Family reunion
  • Domestic violence applications for those whose marriages have broken down
  • Nationality cases
  • Registration of children as British Citizens
  • Asylum, including fresh claims and exceptionally complex cases
  • Human Rights
  • Tier 1/Tier 2 Application/Tier 4 Student Applications/Tier 5

Of course if you do have a pressing immigration matter, whether it’s your own or someone who is close to you, then we hope you find it comforting to know that Advantage Law Solicitors and Immigration Experts are here to personally help you deal with the often-complex issues you may be facing.

For a free, confidential chat, contact Kamran Saqib, our Head of Immigration, on +44 (0) 121 514 7111 or request a free call-back through our online Contact Form.

I have been very pleased with the level and quality of service that I have received. Kamran is professional, efficient and friendly and he sought to to understand my overt and underlying needs to thus ensure that he gave me the best possible advice. He acts with integrity, is easy to talk to and has strong technical knowledge. In addition his fees are reasonable and affordable

DF, Leicester

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ASR Advantage Law Limited t/a ‘ASR Advantage Solicitors’, ‘ASR Solicitors’, ‘Advantage Law’, ‘Brown & Corbishley Solicitors’ and ‘David Bendell & Co’ is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Company No. 7333121. Advantage Law is Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority for its Legal Services. SRA No. 565383. VAT reg. 203559621. Registered office: 70 Villa Road, Birmingham, B19 1BL. A list of Directors is available on request.
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